Author : billings

Heartfelt Goodwill through “Hugs”

Mental Health Bingo
Sanctuary Floor Repairs

Beginning September 12th the Sanctuary will be closed for repairs to level the floor.  While the floor is being repaired we will meet at Mt. Olive UMC (five miles west of Billings on Hwy 14) for the 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship.  All Sunday School classes will be held as usual…

Stuff to Do During Lent:

Fun and creative daily activities and practices for youth, families, youth groups — or anyone of any age — to do to begin to understand and to observe the season of Lent and to prepare their hearts and lives for the celebration of Easter Resurrection and new life. Devozine UpperRoom

Chuck Knows Lent:

Follow the link: Chuck Knows Lent for a video

What is Lent?

Lent.  What is Lent?  Why do we observe Lent? Discover what Lent is at: Alive Now: Lent 101